Design Project / L.S Restorations

Re-thinking vehicle customisation and restoration across the UK & Ireland.

L.S Restorations L.S Restorations

The Problem

Currently, L.S Restoration’s online presence barely scratches the surface. L.S wanted a platform that reflects their wide range of services including extensive customisations and restorations. They aim to show that L.S Restorations is your place for all your vehicle needs throughout the UK & Ireland.

High-Level Goals

In order to understand how success was measured, I needed to set the desired criteria for this project and evaluate the constraints.

  • With no current web presence besides social media accounts, I needed to develop an engaging platform that connected with their audience and converted interest into enquiries.
  • A clear balance of content needed to be established. The platform needed to inform and showcase specialisms without overwhelming each user.
  • The platform needed to communicate and reflect the services provided by L.S whilst maintaining their outgoing and bold branding, which reflects their creative flare within customisation.
Llewellyn Watson, Part Owner of L.S Restorations. Llewellyn Watson, Part Owner of L.S Restorations.

Llewellyn Watson, Part Owner of L.S Restorations.


Firstly, I looked into the current market of automotive businesses, this included small and global organisations. It became clear that smaller businesses maintained online presences that were out of date or were preset templates from website builders.

When looking at global organisations such as Audi, BMW, Porsche and Lamborghini, there was a very different approach. Each website was designed to their brand’s materials, vocabulary and audience.

L.S Restoration’s aim was clear, embrace their bold branding to reflect their outgoing, customisation and creativity whilst providing precise information, removing cluttered content.

L.S Restorations - Services


To achieve a successful, profile of L.S Restorations’ audience. I created two user personas that would highlight their needs, requirements, goals and frustrations with automotive experiences.

Following this, I then created a series of wireframes and user flows to exactly what content will appear within each page as well as how each user’s journey would appear.

The end goal of this was simple, immersive each user with essential content and the L.S Restorations experience, resulting in contact conversion.

L.S Restorations - Sitemap

L.S Restorations' Site Map.

L.S Restorations - User persona - Pete Armstrong

L.S Restorations - User persona - Pete Armstrong.

L.S Restorations - User persona - Justine Robinson

L.S Restorations - User persona - Justine Robinson.

L.S Restorations - Landing Page Wireframe

Wireframing of the landing page.

L.S Restorations - Restoration Page Wireframe

Wireframing of the restoration's case study page.

L.S Restorations - High-Fidelity Screens Designed in Adobe XD L.S Restorations - High-Fidelity Screens Designed in Adobe XD

High-Fidelity Screens Designed in Adobe XD.


One of L.S Restorations’ biggest asset was their brand, specifically their bold colour palette. I wanted to utilise this through a dark mode style allowing key areas to show a state of intent, highlighting their creativity and eye for customisation.

Following closely with the user personas, I curated the platform ensure all key information was clear and accessible. This combined with clear art-directed visuals allowed for informative content to be read without being overwhelming, allowing the photography “to show and not tell”.

Check out L.S Restoration's new online platform - Here.

L.S Restorations - Ford Zephyr Restoration
L.S Restorations - Landing Page L.S Restorations - Landing Page
L.S Restorations - Ford Zephyr Interior
L.S Restorations - Services Overview
L.S Restorations - Mobile View
L.S Restorations - Customise & Modify Section

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